I Believe!

Since the inception of the Healing Energy Blanket, my scientific analytical side questioned: "Does the energy contained in the healing blanket get stored in the cotton fibers, as Grad suggested by his research, where healing energy was imparted to cotton?" Their experiment found that it did. And, from an Empirical sense (meaning clinical practice experience), we've been proving that to ourselves.
First family members gave it a try, after my husband and I had tried it. My Reiki teacher gave us praise. Friends joined in with enthusiasm, including patients. And then, people through the internet began to show interest. It has been since late 2011 that we have offered it on-line, and we continue to grow as a business.
So, the other night, when I was attending a meeting, another member voiced his amazement at the idea of a Healing Energy Blanket and asked me to tell the rest of the group about it. I wilted from the spotlight and said that I would talk to them about it privately, if they wished. But why would I hesitate when given that opportunity?! "Do I believe in the Healing Energy Blanket and its capacity to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep?"
I've come to the soul searching conclusion that I do, resoundingly! I've seen it in my own uses. William, the most skeptical person I have known, has also seen it and shared so with me. The groups of folks I mentioned earlier have shared their opinions with me. So many great stories!
Some, like I with my father, have used the blanket to connect with a loved one. The idea is that you feel as though you are making a positive impact on them even when you are miles away. Others have gifted one to someone special to aid the receiver in their healing journey or to mark a special occasion. They have been given as wedding gifts, baby shower gifts, Mother's Day gifts, Father's Day gifts, anniversaries, you name it. They tell me how unique a gift it is. That helps me remember my Grandmother who crocheted blankets as gifts for many occasions. I still have mine and cherish them. Those who give the blanket have reported to me that same sentiment of nostalgia.
People have purchased them for upcoming surgeries, family road trips, camping gear, bed covers, and more. They tell me that they are versatile, cozy, and beautiful.
During demonstration events adventurous souls who tried the blanket gave us great feedback. A Veteran said it took away her back pain while she was sitting in the chair wrapped up in it. Recently a man sat with it for awhile and then got up saying he felt refreshed.
Dentists and counselors have tried it in their practices and have given positive feedback. And we are hoping more compassionate practitioners will join the experiment and see how they help as an adjunct to their specialty.
Yes, this is all anecdotal. And that is why we have a "thirty day use it everyday to see" guarantee. Doesn't resonate with you? Full purchase price refunded. You pay return shipping. You're worth that small gamble.
I believe our healing blanket performs well and eases suffering. I am confident in that. So, the next time I'm so graciously asked to speak about the Healing Energy Blanket, I will be more confident in delivering the attributes of a terrific self-help healing adjunct therapy that fits easily into any lifestyle and can be taken along for the ride of life. Bring it into your home, work, and play and resonate with the vital energy stored within it. Blanket owners say they're glad to have it. Oh, and pets like them too.
Mary S. Wallis, L.Ac., NCCAOM Acupuncture Diplomate, L.M.T., C.N.M.T.
Energy Medicine Practitioner in the Japanese styles of Kototama/Inochi Medicine and Usui Reiki
President Improved Performance Inc.
895 rue St. Francois
Florissant, MO 63031