Stories of the Healing Energy Blanket


These are accounts of experiences people have had with the Healing Energy Blanket, attested to by me, William Mark Wallis, Mary's husband and office manager.

Contact - Pets, cats and dogs in particular, are drawn to be in contact with the blanket. One reviewer's cat wanted to lay on it before it was out of the plastic.
Sheba and her Healing Energy Blanket"Sheba" the German Shepherd (left) dug her blanket out from under a protective sheet so she could sleep with her face on it.

Behavior - several dogs with behavioral challenges were being housed during the day in an office setting. When anyone would come to the office door, it would stir-up a certain dog for several minutes. We donated a blanket for the dogs to use, as an experiment. We were told that the dogs politely took turns laying on it and that the problem dog was much calmer when strangers appeared at the door. Instead of pacing, he quickly returned to the blanket.

From William Wallis:
I used mine every night. I experiment to see what is more effective. As Mary has recommended, I've started bunching it up to intensify its effect, like draping across my stomach or wrapping my head in it. It feels like it interacts with your nervous system, like when someone strokes your skin. It's instantly relaxing and pain-relieving for minor pain.

Pain Relief
A friend of our used his blanket when he was passing kidney stones. He said that when he was under the blanket the pain was more tolerable and he was less nauseous.

Anxiety Relief
We attended an art fair in St. Charles as vendors for the Healing Energy Blanket. We let people experience the blanket by draping it around their shoulders for a few minutes, without much explanation from us. It was a windy day and the vendor next to us had her tent blow away. She had been standing in the brisk wind all day and she was not feeling well when she came over and tried the blanket. In a few minutes she felt better and went back to work. At the end of the day she returned so she could put the blanket on again. She said that it again made her much better and she bought a blanket for her daughter who had medical issues.

The Healing Energy Blanket in the waiting area of Gyrotonics Central in St. LouisThe fitness studio we attend, Gyrotonics Central in St. Louis, carries the Healing Energy Blanket in their studio for their customers to experience and purchase. One of their instructors came in to work with symptoms of IBS. She was going to suffer-though her shift. As an experiment, the owner put the Healing Blanket on the instructor's shoulders without any explanation. The instructor soon felt better and reported that she had felt her energy move, making her feel temporarily flushed. When she was told it was a healing blanket, she got goosebumps because it had worked for her.