Recharge Naturally After Delivering Your Baby

Recharge with the Healing Energy Blanket

by Mary S. Wallis L.Ac.
Carrying and then delivering a child uses an enormous amount of the mother's energy.
In the Oriental Tradition the family takes over baby's care, other than breastfeeding, for a month after delivery. This gives her time to regain her vital energy so that she can go on to nurture the new baby and perhaps have another. There is plenty of bonding time for mother and child during that rest period. But the taxing activities of laundry, housecleaning, cooking, etc. are handled by the family. In our western culture, that doesn't seem to happen.
"Treat the mother to affect the child" is the main method in the natural medicine I practice, Kototama/Inochi Meridian Therapy Acupuncture enhanced with Reiki. By fortifying the mother, the child gets a strong capable mother who can direct and nurture as needed.
Our Healing Energy Blanket offers vital energy encapsulated in the cotton fibers. Those cotton fibers hold the vital energy much like a battery holds energy for your electronic devices. Mom can access this restorative energy by simply laying on, wrapping up in, or gazing at the beautiful guardian angel pictured on the 100% Egyptian cotton fiber blanket. The energy charge stays with the blanket for use 24/7. Rest assured that you can wash it and the charge remains intact. The heirloom quality means you can hand it down to your child when they have a baby.
You may not get to rest in bed to regain your vital energy like the Oriental women do. But you can recharge your reserve naturally and simply with the Healing Energy Blanket.
You're a mom now! You deserve this! And your baby deserves a well fortified nurturing you.

More about the blanket...

Mary S. Wallis L.Ac.Mary S. Wallis L.Ac. is an acupuncturist with an office in Florissant, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

Mary began as a massage therapist and later became interested in the energies of the body. She became initiated into the hands-on healing tradition of Reiki and later became licensed in acupuncture.

One day a friend was in need but was too ill to be seen except by close family. Using her experience from Reiki and acupuncture, Mary "charged" a soft blanket with energy from her hands and delivered it to her.

Reiki is a natural way to jumpstart the body's own healing mechanisms. Energy is believed to flow from a Reiki practitioner's hands into a person or an object. It feels nurturing and restorative to receive.

Her friend cherished this blanket so much that Mary was encouraged to create blankets for others. She made them for her clients who could not get in to see her as often as they liked. Today she makes a limited number available to the public. It is her way of passing on the healing energy that was passed to her by her teachers.

The Healing Energy Blanket by Mary S. Wallis L.Ac.

Introducing the Healing Energy Blanket from Mary S. Wallis L.Ac. It's the portable, easy to use way to get a restorative Reiki treatment anytime you need it.

Mary charges the Healing Energy BlanketMary personally gives each blanket its own Reiki treatment. The blanket becomes a radiator for healing energy. We believe its benefits are similar to treatments from a live energy therapist.

Here's what actual blanket owners have said:
"As soon as I took it out of its box upon receiving it I felt a rush of energy flow thru my body—wow! When I wrap myself in it I feel as if I'm being gently hugged from a loving source." - M.J. from New Jersey who bought from a Facebook ad.

"I bought this for my Mom. She uses it all the time, everyday. She has chronic pain and has also had TIA's. She says it helps her with the pain." - Pamela

"I slept with no pain for the first time in three weeks!" - Mary H.

"This is a beautifully designed blanket. I cuddle up with it in the evening after a stressful day. It relaxes my tired muscles and gives me a more restful sleep. My six year old granddaughter "steals" it when she is having bad dreams and she sleeps more peacefully." - Carol S.

In 2015, St. Louis dentist Paul S. Herrin conducted a six-month in-office study with our blanket and found that patients using the blanket were less anxious, felt more secure and comfortable, and experienced less pain postoperatively.

Judy S. with her Healing Energy BlanketSpecial uses - Keep warm and feel protected during dialysis, chemotherapy, or labor.
It is a wonderful complement, it assists without interfering.

Value - For comparison, in her clinic, Mary recommends ten acupuncture visits to determine whether her treatments will benefit you. That totals $840.00 and it's nonrefundable.
You get to try the $189.00 Healing Energy Blanket for 30 days for almost free! Use the blanket every day for 30 days and if you do not feel any benefit, simply return it for a full refund minus shipping.
Keep it and the quality-made blanket will continue to serve you and your family for years. It's energy charge will not wash out.

Blanket owners say they sleep better
Healing Energy Blanket - $189.00.
Free shipping. 
30 day money-back guarantee.
You will receive your blanket in 3 to 5 days from ordering.

Click for more info, photos, owner reviews
and to buy now...

Go to the Healing Energy Blanket's purchase page

William M. WallisI'm William Wallis, Mary's husband and office manager. I made this website and will ship your blanket. You have my guarantee of your satisfaction. Email me with any questions at

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Keyword search terms - The Te a Te Reiki Healing Energy Blanket, Healing Blanket, Reiki Blanket, Energy Blanket, Comforting Blanket