A Gift of Love and Health

The Healing Energy Blanket by Mary S. Wallis L.Ac.  

  The Healing Energy Blanket
calms anxiety, quells pain and aids sleep 
say blanket owners.

Helps With Mom's Pain
Pamela on Jan 18, 2016 - I bought this for my Mom. She uses it all the time, everyday. She has chronic pain and has also had TIA's. She says it helps her with the pain.
Slept Without Pain
Mary H. on Dec 17, 2015 - I slept with no pain for the first time in three weeks!
To Reduce Stress
K.G. on July 9, 2016 writes regarding having received the Healing Energy Blanket to aid her husband's recovery from a stroke: "Thank you very much. I used the blanket (when my husband was not) to reduce stress and it helped me also. He is doing great now and I truly believe the Healing Blanket did help!"

The Healing Energy Blanket by Mary S. Wallis L.Ac.
72” by 50” throw blanket, image by artist William Wallis

Made for her acupuncture patients, the Healing Energy Blanket is hand-charged with love by Mary S. Wallis L.Ac. of Florissant. The Healing Blanket is now available on our site, in stock now. Makes a great gift.

How it works
The blanket is a medium to hold universal life power or vital energy. Mary infuses the blanket with this energy of life force in much the same way people are attuned to Reiki energy in her classes. The blankets then resonate that vital energy 24/7 for as long as the blanket exists.

Mary and the Healing Energy Blanket

In the 1960's B. Grad experimentally researched healing energy. Known "touch healers" were recruited for study. Among his findings was that healing energy could be stored in cotton, among other things. This charged cotton could make plants grow faster and wounds heal faster.


You get healing energy whenever you need, for a price that's equal to less than 3 hours with a live energy therapist. The healing charge stays with the blanket for its lifetime.
Try it for yourself. Relax! Recharge! Energy therapy available 24 hours a day.

The Healing Energy Blanket  
30 day money-back guarantee. 

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Our friends at GYROTONIC® SAINT LOUIS Central

Above: our friends at GYROTONIC® SAINT LOUIS Central
keep Healing Energy Blankets in their waiting area for their clients.