Collard Greens – Enhance Joint Health, Mental Disposition

Blending collard greens, onions, garlic, and olive oil in one skillet makes eating these greens easy. And they are delicious! Leafy greens enhance joint health, mental disposition, colon health, and more.

Often, I recommend eating greens to my patients. And I don’t mean “green jello”. Eating dark green leafy vegetables provides abundant nourishment. The natural blend of vitamins and minerals aids the muscles and the metabolism. I find that when I eat greens regularly that my disposition is calmer, my joints move without creaking, any constipation resolves, and female issues of all kinds respond favorably.
Here is a simple and easy recipe that I learned at least ten years ago by watching Public Television. Too long ago for me to remember the exact program. I’ve modified it over the years to adapt to our taste and to the seasons.
bunch of collard greens washed, rolled, and sliced the size of linguini, then chopped
half a bulb of garlic chopped (you can add more if you like)
one and a half large onions or two medium onions chopped
three tablespoons of olive oil salt to taste (optional)
In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over a medium/high heat. Add the chopped collard greens and saute until they change to a darker green color. Push the greens aside and add the onions.
When the onions look sweated add the garlic. Allow the onions and garlic to soften slightly. Now mix the greens, garlic, and onions together using tongs. If you want salt, add it here.
Now you want to add some moisture. I use organic free range chicken broth. Water will do nicely also for those total vegetarians. About a half cup is used to just moisten the greens and provide some steam. Cover and reduce the heat to simmer (low). Allow to simmer for twenty minutes before serving.
These can be served as a side or over brown rice with just a seasoning of salt and pepper. In the spring you can add the flavor of sweet by adding some cinnamon to taste. In the summer, I usually use them as is. For autumn, I add cayenne to taste or cumin. And in the winter I tend to salt them a little heavier or try adding chopped ume boshi salt plum with the garlic.
Leafy greens are essential to our health. And many leafy greens are inexpensive. If you can afford organic, buy it. Local is best as you want your vegetables to be as fresh as is possible. Once picked, the nutrients begin to degrade. If you have a green thumb, by all means, grow your own. There is nothing so satisfying as picking your own greens and having them on the table within an hour. That’s energy rich healthy food.
May this recipe inspire you to add collard greens to your next meal. Enjoy!